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Thank you for your interest.
The submission deadline has passed. If you are interested in contributing to this or other future projects, please feel free to contact us. 


We are inviting abstracts of 200-250 words for chapters of 2,500-4,000 words.

You are welcome to submit multiple abstracts, but please start a new submission form for each submission.


We have been in contact with Candlin & Mynard Publishing who have expressed interest in publishing the work under their “Pedagogical Praxis” series. The series focuses on offering advice, sharing activities, and giving pragmatic guides to enhance teaching practices. 


Please see the Rationale page to view the possible topics we are looking for in proposals. We are looking for brief chapters that share classroom activities which promote communication and peer-feedback in L2 writing courses.

  • Please note the following when submitting your chapter proposal.

    • Please follow APA guidelines for citations.

    • We are happy to accept practice & research-based chapter proposals.

    • Please submit your chapter proposal using the google form. You will need to include:

      • Your name 

      • Contact information

      • Affiliation

      • Short bio (up to 50 words) on each author 

      • Suggested chapter title (75 characters or less)

      • Abstract (200 - 250 words)

  • Take note of the following when preparing your full chapter.

    • Chapters should be between 2,500-4,000 words (excluding references & appendices).

    • APA 7 style guidelines should be used for all citations and references.

    • The template should be followed (forthcoming). 

    • The book introduction will discuss literature on the importance of peer feedback and communicative practices, so literature of chapters should focus on the activity itself.

    • Background should include the age group and class the activity was used in, but does not need to go into great detail.

    • Data and findings should be written with an eye towards the activity.

    • Please scroll down for suggested outlines of practice- and research-based chapters.

Suggested Outlines

Practice-based Chapters


  • The use of the first person is at the author's discretion.

Literature Review

  • Please keep the literature review brief.


  • This section should be given the most consideration in terms of detail and emphasis on how to utilize the practice. 

  • As a guidebook, please write in a manner that allows someone to be inspired by your practice and use it in their classroom.

  • In this section, there is no such thing as too detailed.


  • May include limitations, implications, variations, and/or reflections on the practice.



Research-based Chapters


  • The use of the first person is at the author's discretion. 

Literature Review

  • Please keep the literature review brief. 

  • If additional readings are of value to your research, please include a list of suggested readings after your appendices.


  • As this is a guidebook, a separate section that details the practice and how to implement it in a classroom should be included before the research methodology.


  • A brief overview of how the research was conducted is sufficient. 

Results & Discussion

  • A brief look at the results that pertain most closely to the practice.

  • May include limitations, implications, variations, and/or reflections on the practice and the results.



We will be working with the APA 7 style guidelines. Please refer to the official APA website for guidance.

This site offers advice on how to structure an abstract for a chapter call.

Here is some advice for writing a book chapter and giving it a title.

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